Preparing For Your Reading


 In the days leading up to our session, I invite you to prepare yourself for our Mediumship reading. Please consider these suggestions to open your mind and your heart to the messages your Loved Ones want you to hear.

Practice feeling a positive state of mind, gratitude and joy. Every little bit goes a long way to calm and encourage you. Your Loved One in Spirit communicates more easily when you feel uplifted and filled with Love.

Place your hand on your heart and then breathe into your heart center. Let yourself feel the peace and calm that is at your core. Silently or aloud, ask your Loved One to join us during the reading. Let them know how much you love them and how much it would mean to hear from them.

Spirit ultimately decides who will show up to your reading. Your openness, intention, and energy are felt by your Loved One, who shares your desire to communicate. 

Hold your intention to join together in the Spirit of Love. Remember the many treasured memories you made together. Perhaps it’s listening to music, looking at photos, and holding objects you gifted to each other to physically feel the Love shared between you.

Have healing conversations with your Loved Ones, where you speak aloud and share your feelings towards them when grief overwhelms you. 

You will be more present during the reading by abstaining from drugs and alcohol for at least 24 hours before the reading. Keep your body hydrated with water. Make it important to get quality sleep and rest, especially the night before your reading. Acting on these conscious intentions increases your energy and helps you feel clear and receptive to whomever comes forward.

Remember that belief, trust, invitation, and intention to be present with your Loved Ones opens healing thoughts in your mind and pure Love in your heart. In our Mediumship reading together, your Loved Ones are mindful of only giving you that which is for your greatest good, for they love you fully and unconditionally.

In Spirit…Jenn